Monday, August 17, 2009


I finally decided to re-do the bedroom floors and den. I had thought of re- carpeting, but in the end I thought it best to have the whole house in the beautiful laminate that I had put down last year in the living room and kitchen.

I'm positive it'll help keep our allergies down and it'll be easier to keep the pet hair from my collies swept away from the laminate than it has been to bring out the vacuum to pick up that fine fur!

My kids are coming down from Denver in 2 weeks, it'll be great! Later I'll be going up there to visit them and see how the baby's nursery is coming along. They're working hard at it so I'm sure it will turn out just fabulous!

I've been feeling a little better, not great but not as bad as before. My heel is still giving me problems, I just wish it would get well. I pray constantly for GOD to return my health to me but in HIS own time as with everything HE does.

I have been energized enough to de-clutter our home. It really makes a difference! There's a great sense of "freedom" when you get organized and clear out busy areas of the home. I'm so happy! My husband is de-cluttering our yard of weeds and garbage and unused materials, etc. We're getting lots of compliments. It's wonderful!